
A taste of Cambodia… our first impressions

We fell head over heels for Cambodia – which caught us completely by surprise. This South East Asian country isn’t perfect, definitely rough around the edges. Here are our first impressions we made – for better or worse! Enjoy!
The famous temples of Angkor Wat
These are Cambodia’s greatest pride and they are resembled everywhere: on the money, on the beer, in hotel names & restaurant names, and it is the national symbol on Cambodia’s flag.
cambodia angkor
Water buffaloes as common in Cambodia as sheep are in Scotland!
water buffalos 
Cambodians love to cycle
While it’s all about moto-scooters in neighboring Vietnam and Thailand, Cambodians cycle everywhere – between villages, in town, to get to school or to work, or to transport goods.

cambodians cycle

Old-fashioned cyclos are still used in everyday life of Phnom Penh and other towns.
phnom penh cyclo 
While we weren’t the biggest fans of the fruit whose odor is best described as ‘pig-shit, turpentine and onions, garnished with a gym sock’, Cambodians LOVE durians! The Durian is the national fruit of Cambodia and we even found an entire statue dedicated to this interesting fruit.
cambodians love durians 
Monks get up late in Cambodia
We’ve seen monks receiving their alms very early in the morning in neighboring Laos (6.30am), the monks in Cambodia make their way around time much later – we usually saw them around 9.30am!
cambodian buddhist monks 
Pigs on motorbikes are a common sight…
A pig rides in the backseat of a motorcycle in Cambodia.
(c) Redswept / Flickr
…so are cows in the streets. cambodia cows in the streets 
Cambodia’s terrible past is still ‘tangible’ everywhere you go.
Almost ¼ of the population was killed during the Khmer Rouge’s regime 1975 -1979 and there is a distinct lack of people between 45 and 65.
phom penh killing fields skulls 
Buses? Nah…
In the capital, and most other cities, there are no inner city buses. Instead, they have shared pick-ups or trucks.
cambodian taxis 
Cambodians love fresh-squeezed lime juice
So did we! A fantastic thirst quencher in the sweltering heat!
kampot lime juices 
The beaches in the South and on the islands are stunning!
koh rong long beach cambodia 
Motorbikes pull anything!

cambodia motorbike loads 
The typical Khmer dish ‘Amok’ (similar to a Thai curry, but with egg added in the sauce) is delicious!
phnom penh vegetarian amok 
Smoking is ridiculously cheap in Cambodia.
cambodia cigarettes 
Sadly, Cambodia is dirty.
We see piles of garbage everywhere. People just don’t seem to realize that throwing their garbage out in front of their house means it will rot there for eternity. This is one of the most frustrating observations of Cambodia…
cambodia garbage 
Most of the gas stations still look like this:
cambodian gas stations 
Gas at a ‘real’ gas station is expensive!
It costs $1.29 per liter ($4.88 per gallon) in a country where the average GDP is $912 per person per year.
cambodian gas prices 
Barbershops are open-air on the side of a road or in the market.
cambodia barber shops 
People in Cambodia love to wear pajamas.
Not sure why, but we saw people in PJs everywhere we went! (We are aware that these gowns are not actual PJs worn at night, but the PJs still describes them best.)
cambodian ladies in pajamas 
Dirt roads leading to a temple are often marked with detailed gates at the start. The countryside is full of these! 
cambodian arches 
Ice is usually transported on the back of a tractor, uncovered. The ice transport stops in front of every shop / house and then cuts off as much ice as needed with a rusty old saw. More ‘Western’ places thankfully make their own ice with filtered water in house. 
cambodian ice transport 
Cambodians love karaoke on public buses. These low-budget videos blare constantly, even on long-distance rides, and while we really, really don’t like Khmer music, we’d sing-a-long if we could…but we can not read Khmer so we are left to observe…
cambodia karaoke on buses 
Need a new external hard-drive? Pick one up for the same price in Cambodia as at home, but these come filled with hundreds of TV shows, movies and music of your choice – a traveler’s dream! 
music hard drives cambodia


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